
This contains list of resources that were shared during Girlscript Education outreach program 8

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Day 2 - Kickstart to UI Development

Mentored by : Ritika Gupta

Platforms used : jsfiddle and

Introduction to HTML

Building Blocks Of HTML Coding

Tags and their attributes; attributes and their values.


Tags are keywords of coding vocabulary, which act as the native language to the web browser. Web browser understands these keywords and brings out the desired output on it’s page. Much alike how we understand Hindi, English keywords your teacher uses to assign you a task, and after comprehending them we indulge in actions to complete the task, with expected output.

Grammar rules to write these keywords: Tags contain an opening and a closing tag (few exceptional tags do not require a closing tag). Opening Tags are written inside ‘<’ and ‘>’brackets. Closing tags are written inside ‘<’ and ‘>’ along with a ‘/’. E.g. <html> and </html>


Attributes are entities to add an extra flavour to tags for enhancement of the output produced by the tags. Eg. your teacher asks you to submit an assignment on Data Structures, but also adds that you should use different colored sheets for different chapters like linked list, arrays, algorithms etc. , these colored sheets act as attributes to the tag of making an assignment. E.g. attributes are written along-side tagname with a space in between <textarea disabled>


Values are, what type of enhancements do we need to embed to our output. For an instance, teacher has told you to use colored sheets for different chapters but what colors you will choose to make the assignment forms the part of values to attributes.E.g. values are written after attribute name with an = in between and inside quotes “ or ‘ <textarea disabled="true">

Typography Tags

Semantic Tags

Media Tags

Form Related Tags

Tag Attributes

And there is an exhaustive list of attributes for other tags.

Difference between HTML4 and HTML5

Absence of Semantic Tags: only tags like <div><\/div> Semantic Tags like: <article><\/article>,<header><\/header>, <footer><\/footer>,<nav><\/nav>, <figure><\/figure>, <main> <\/main> etc
Input types like ‘text’, ‘password’etc. available for all purposes. Input types like ‘email’, ‘url’, ‘date’ etc. have been introduced for wider usage.
Special form tags absent. Special form tags like <datalist><\/datalist>, <output><\/output>, etc. have been introduced
Formatting Tags like : <font><\/font>, <big><\/big>, <strike><\/strike>, <center><\/center>, were present. Formatting Tags like :<font><\/font>, <big><\/big>, <strike><\/strike>, <center><\/center>, have been removed (deprecated).
The input tag has limited set of attributes like ‘id’, ‘class’, ‘style’,’type’, ‘name’ etc. The input tag has several highly dynamic attributes like ‘pattern’, ‘autocomplete’,’min’, ‘max’ etc
<ol><\/ol> tag has no attribute for reverse ordering. <ol><\/ol> tag has an attribute for reverse ordering called ‘reversed’.
Limited set of global attributes available. Special feature global attributes like: “spellcheck” , “contenteditable” etc. have been introduced.

And an exhaustive list of differences exist. Please refer to the official W3 website to study in detail.

HTML Code for practise

HTML Code Practiced on JSFiddle for Tags and attributes
 color: cyan;
<p id="para" class="paragraph" spellcheck="true" contenteditable="true" style="color: pink;">
My name is Ritika Gupta. This is my first web page developnt. I am practising tags and attributes through
this demo.
This is my first heading
This is my second heading
This is my third heading
This is my fourth heading
This is my fifth heading
This is my sixth heading
<code>This is my first code</code>
<i>This text is italicised</i>
<em>This text is italicised too</em>
<b>This text is bold</b>
<strong>This text is bold too</strong>
<span>This is a span tag</span>
<img src="" title="this is an image"/>
<a href="">Take me to this link</a>
<a href="mailto:">Send Email</a>
<a href="#para" title="jumper" contenteditable="false">Take me to the top of page</a>
