
This contains list of resources that were shared during Girlscript Education outreach program 8

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Day 1 - Grooming session on UI Development

Mentored by : Ritika Gupta

Platforms used : jsfiddle and

What is UI development?

UI : User Interface , refers to the intermediate between a user and an application. In the Previous times, this intermediate often used to be command line (much alike CMD) but in the modern times , this intermediate is highly graphical in nature.

Development: the process of making something.

UI Development: Making an intermediate which helps users to interact and communicate with a web-based or mobile-based application.

Process Of Making/Development: Technologies like HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language), CSS (Cascading Style Sheet), Javascript etc. are the part of toolkit to begin making such an interface/intermediate.

Examples: the home-page of flipkart webiste/app, the dialog box that appears while installing a software, your desktop and it’s accessories, social-media webistes/apps etc.

Advanced Scope of UI Development: Responsive Web Designing , refers to compatibility of UI elements view w.r.t different devices like IPad, mobile-phones, laptopscreens, etc.

Techstack comprising UI development

Difference between UI/UX Designing, UI Development and Front-End Development

UI/UX Designing UI Development Front-End Development
Stands for User Experience and User Interface Designing Stands for User Interface Development Stands for Functional and Dynamic Development on UI
Definition: Painting and sketching out the look and feel of UI Converting the painted & sketched UI into the static HTML/CSS Code. Converting the static UI code into functional and dynamic code.
IT Industry Designation: Graphic Designer IT Industry Designation: UI Developer IT Industry Designation: UI/Front-End developer
This requires knowledge of tools like corel-draw, adobe photoshop, adobe XD, Invision, E-Sketch etc. This requires knowledge of HTML, CSS, JQuery, Javascript-DOM, Responsive Web Design (media queries or CSS flexbox, Bootstrap) etc. This requires knowledge of Advanced Javascript, a strong grip on any one of the JS frameworks like AngularJS, VueJS etc.
Relationship: A Graphic Designer sketches and paints out a website layout with all minute elements like buttons, icons, modals, toast messages, links, logos, forms etc. using the above mentioned tools and takes help of tools like Zeplin, Avocode or Invision to upload those files as what is known as style guides Relationship: A UI developer uses these style guide from the tools to fetch dimensions, color-codes, sizes, margins, spaces, font-family etc. to use these values in the code Relationship: A Front-End developer uses this static UI code and embeds logics and consumes APIs to make buttons, modals functional and content on the web page dynamic which renders as per user-to-user

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