Data Structures and Algorithms (CS506)
Lab Assignment 8
In this lab assignment you need to write a C-program to construct Huffman codes. To be precise, your program should first ask the user to press 1 or 2.
Case 1: That is, the user has pressed a 1: In this case, your program should ask the user to enter a “character-frequency” table. See the test cases below for the details. Construct the Huffman code for the character-frequency table, and print the Huffman-code table for the same. See test cases for the same. Your program should stop here in this case.
Case 2: That is, the user has pressed a 2: In this case, your program should read the file “data.txt” and construct the “character-frequency table”: constructing the character-frequency table is simple. Just read the file “data.txt” one character at a time. If the character is not present in the table, add it ith a frequency of 1. If the character is already present in the table, just increment its frequency. Your program should print the character-frequency table on a separate file FrequencyData.txt.
Now, construct the Huffman code for the character-frequency table, and print the Huffman-code table on a separate file HuffmanCodeData.txt.
Now, your program should use the Huffman code to encode the file “data.txt”: repeatedly read the next character in the file data.txt, look up the Huffman code for the character in the Huffman-code table, and then write the sequence of 0s and 1s in that codeword as bits to an output file “EncodedData.txt”. At this moment your program has encoded the file data.txt into the file EncodedData.txt using the Huffman coding.
Your program should now decode the file EncodedData.txt into the output file “DecodedData.txt”. Decode the file EncodedData.txt: For decoding the file simply identify the initial codeword, translate it back to the original character, write the character to an output file DecodedData.txt, and repeat the decoding process on the remainder of the EncodeData.txt file. Pick the initial codeword using the binary tree corresponding to the Huffman code.
Refer the Section 16.3 of the book CLRS for the details of Huffman coding.
Test Case :
Enter 1 or 2: You entered a 1: Enter character-frequency table: a 45 b 13 c 12 d 16 e 9 f 5 Huffman code table is as follows: Char codeword a 0 b 101 c 100 d 111 e 1101 f 1100
Sol. Download the Solution file. Open terminal and execute it by running ./solution.o
command. data.txt file is present.