Data Structures and Algorithms (CS506)
Lab Assignment 7
Write a C-program to multiply two positive integers a and b in binary using the divide-and-conquer approach. Your algorithm should run in time O(n^log3 ) = O(n^1.59 ), where n is the number of bits of the inputs a and b. Assume that the length of both the inputs are same. Your program should output the result in integer (not in binary). Refer some test cases below:
Hint: Refer Section 5.5 in the following book: Algorithm Design by Kleinberg and Tardos.
Test case 1:
Enter positive integers a and b in binary a = 1111 b = 1110 The product of a=15 and b=14 is 210
Test case 2:
Enter positive integers a and b in binary a = 000111 b = 011100 The product of a= 7 and b = 28 is 196
Sol. Download the Solution file. Open terminal and execute it by running “./solution.o” command.Give input and get output.