Data Structures and Algorithms (CS506)
Lab Assignment 5
Implement the data structure AVL tree. To begin with your program should enter integers 0, 1, . . . , 24 in an empty AVL tree in this order. In addition, your program should support the following operations. Also, provide the user to choose various operations. Refer test input cases for the detail.
insertion: User should choose i for insertion: this operation insert the integer, entered by user in the AVL tree,
deletion: User should choose d for deletion: this operation deletes the integer from the AVL tree, entered by user. If the entered integer is not present, do nothing.
search: User should choose s for search: search the integer, entered by the user, in the AVL tree. If the element is not present, print: not present. Otherwise, print present, along with the balance factor and the height of the searched element in the AVL tree.
print: User should choose p to print the preorder and the inorder traversals of the AVL tree.
empty: User should choose e to empty the entire AVL tree.
Test Case:
AVL tree constructed by inserting 0 to 24 elements
i. Insert :
d. Delete :
s. search :
p. Print Preorder and Inorder in Separate lines:
e. empty the AVL tree
q. Quit:Enter Your Choice: i
Enter a data to insert: 25i) Insert :
d) Delete :
s) search :
p) Print Preorder and Inorder in Separate lines:
e) empty the AVL tree
q) Quit:Enter Your Choice: p
Preorder sequence:
15 7 3 1 0 2 5 4 6 11 9 8 10 13 12 14 19 17 16 18 23 21 20 22 24 25
Inorder sequence:
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25i) Insert :
d) Delete :
s) search :
p) Print Preorder and Inorder in Separate lines:
e) empty the AVL tree
q) Quit:Enter Your Choice: d
Enter data to delete: 15i) Insert :
d) Delete :
s) search :
p) Print Preorder and Inorder in Separate
e) empty the AVL tree
q) Quit:Enter Your Choice: p
Preorder sequence:
16 7 3 1 0 2 5 4 6 11 9 8 10 13 12 14 19 17 18 23 21 20 22 24 25
Inorder sequence:
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25i) Insert :
d) Delete :
s) search :
p) Print Preorder and Inorder in Separate
e) empty the AVL tree
q) Quit:Enter Your Choice: s
Enter data you want to search: 16
Balance factor of 16 is 0
Height of 16 in AVL tree is 4i) Insert :
d) Delete :
s) search :
p) Print Preorder and Inorder in Separate lines:
e) empty the AVL tree
q) Quit:Enter Your Choice: e
i) Insert :
d) Delete :
s) search :
p) Print Preorder and Inorder in Separate lines:
e) empty the AVL tree q) Quit:Enter Your Choice: p
Preorder sequence:
Inorder sequence:i) Insert :
d) Delete :
s) search :
p) Print Preorder and Inorder in Separate lines:
e) empty the AVL tree
q) Quit:Enter Your Choice: q
Sol. Download the Solution file. Open terminal and execute it by running
command. Give inputs to get outputs